Mama Bear

The surgeon called last night to tell us he felt like C was ready to try a bottle. Such exciting news! My Sister had the day off work and offered to watch M, J, and D so I could spend the whole day at the hospital. I was thrilled to have a day of feeding and snuggling, but that is not what happened. C had an NJ tube that was placed down his nose and into his intestines at surgery. That is how he has been getting his nourishment. The plan was for him to keep the NJ tube until we saw if he could tolerate bottle feeds. While I was visiting and through a series of unfortunate events, the tube became clogged. I tried to get the problem addressed while it was small, but that did not happen and eventually he had a team around him trying to clear the tube. The loving, snuggle day I had hoped for did not happen because of the worry and medical team's interventions and by the time Steve and my Mom showed up, I was a frustrated, angry, smoldering Mama Bear. In the end, the NJ tube could not be unclogged and was pulled. The silver lining was that before he had an NG tube placed in his stomach, we were able to see him untethered. He looked beautiful.

C loved his bottle and the few swallows he had left him begging for more. 

Steve and I were able to get dinner in the Ronald McDonald House Family Room while Grandma babysat. Thank you volunteers and thank you Grandma.
