Pure magic

If I was asked to describe pregnancy in one word it would be: Magical. Infertility has ruled our almost fifteen years of marriage tinging it with sorrow. Choosing to revisit our fertility options after being blessed with three beautiful children through adoption was a decision we did not take lightly. We pondered and discussed the possibilities and ramifications for two years before deciding to try. We did four medicated IUI cycles. After the 4th cycle, I had a blood test and four hours later the office called and told me I was pregnant. I was shocked and ecstatic and all I could say was, "Really?!" over and over again and eventually followed that up with a joyous, "Now what? I've never gotten this far!" When I called Steve, he was just as thrilled and stunned as I was.

The first week we were on Cloud 9. The following week is when my doubts caught up to me. And they were loud and scary. So many what ifs, but what it boiled down to was, have we made the right decision for our family or have we destroyed a really good thing. I was a wreck until we went in for our 9 week ultrasound which showed a strawberry sized baby. It was at that appointment that the doctor said this little one looked strong and healthy and encouraged us to tell our kids. We went right out to the waiting room and told them. (Thanks Mom for being there throughout the fertility treatments to watch our kids during our appointments.) My children were so excited and it has been the topic of conversation (and fights) almost daily. Their reaction gave me peace and the remainder of the pregnancy has been a joy.

So many magical moments...

Being able to feel the baby begin to move at 17 weeks, but not telling anyone for a week; not even Steve, because surely it was too early for me to feel such a tiny thing. It felt like someone softly clicking their tongue on the roof of their mouth and it was beautiful.

The first time I felt the backbone rub against my resting hand and I started screaming at Steve that there was an alien inside my body while we laughed and tried to get the baby to do it again.

Every Tuesday watching baby development videos with Steve and the kids and talking all week long about the developments of the week. The one that caused the most discussion was when the baby's taste buds developed and all the kids watched every tiny thing that went in my mouth and discussed what the baby thought about broccoli, lasagna, oranges or candy. Ultimately, they decided the baby loved all flavors.

Being chased around the house all day long with M, J, and D talking to and kissing my belly.

M, J, and D fighting loudly about whose room the baby would sleep in or who would get to hold him first or who would get to feed the baby. When I told them I would be breastfeeding they all wanted to know how to grow breasts so they could help.

Talking and wondering what this little one would look like. We all agreed we would love it if this baby looks like M.

Sure I am getting up four times a night to pee and my legs have swollen to twice their usual size and my back hurts something fierce, but I have loved every second and feel so blessed to have this amazing, beautiful, and sacred experience. 

Pure magic...

 15 weeks

18 weeks

24 weeks

26 weeks

34 weeks

 37 weeks
