Grateful for my babies

The last time we tried fertility treatments was before M was born. They failed, I fell apart, and we turned to adoption. We have had a rich, full and joyful life these last nine years as a result of these beautiful babies in our home and the selfless sacrifice of their birth families.

We love being parents and we love our family that's why we wanted more children, but adoption had become cost prohibitive. So we decided to revisit our fertility options. The difference this time is we heavily weighed the needs of our three children. They influenced everything from timing to the donor we chose. They have been involved in almost every step and their joy over having another sibling has been absolutely fun. This pregnancy has been a blast and so much of that has been because of our children's excitement. They cannot get enough of feeling the baby move inside my belly and they follow me everywhere just hoping to feel a roll or kick. Their response has helped me feel peace about this fertility decision. I love my babies. All four of them.
