Care package

My days feel long. No matter where I am I feel like I am a burden or failing someone. Today just feels heavy. I do not have the stamina to entertain the kids today and I hate plugging them into TV. But then a bright spot appeared. A care package arrived from an out of state friend for the kids. She and her children had put together a box of small activities like coloring books, crayons, stickers, window clings, fake mustaches, cowboy hats, hula skits and leis. The kids squealed with delight over each thing they opened. The box kept them happy and busy all day long while I was able to sit on the couch and laugh and ooh and ahh with them without lifting a finger. They loved everything they were sent and enjoyed making thank you cards at the end of the day. It was a perfect gift with perfect timing. Such a relief.

Steve saw that I needed some extended time with C so after much discussion we decided I was ready to try driving by myself. Truthfully, I probably needed a few more days, but I convinced him I was up to it. I figured if I drove slowly in the slow lane I would eventually get there and back. And it was fine. Very slow, but fine.

Spending a few hours with C and knowing Steve was spending a few hours with the kids gave me peace.
