Blast from the past

When J was 13 months old he was hospitalized with bronchiolitis and was given a blanket for comfort. This blanket, or "kee kee" as it was known, became his constant companion for years and over time began to disintegrate. There were some pretty big holes in it and I would frequently find a toy car lost in the batting. Eventually it needed to be thrown away, but I was terrified to do it because he was sooooooo attached. My mother in law offered to make a new blanket using similar fabric and size to make the transition easier. Once the new blanket was done we made the switch. I hid the old blanket in the back of a closet just in case he needed it. He never needed it and the transition to his new "kee kee" was slick as a whistle. This went down about a 18 months (or so) ago. Recently I was cleaning out the closet and came across the original blanket. (It's been a long time since I have cleaned out the closet. Don't judge me.) I snapped a couple pics and promptly threw it away. Thank you Mother in law for making a perfect blanket for J to snuggle with 18 months (or so) ago! He still loves it.

You probably can't tell, but it was in bad shape.

Still going strong.
