Utah Arts Festival

We are always looking to experience new things in our family so when my Mom suggested the Utah Arts Festival we were all in.

Now a word about downtown Salt Lake...it has been awhile since I have lived and worked in the area and my has it grown! The growth plus an event equaled me searching for a parking spot in unfamiliar territory while weaving in and out of traffic trying not to hit people. As I was cautiously zooming around cars and humans I saw an opening to turn right at the light and I hit the gas. It was at this precise moment that a panhandler jumped in front of my car and spread his legs wide and threw his arms in the air so that I had to slam on my brakes to prevent hitting him. I was not happy. (Please pause while I get on my soapbox: I do not like panhandling and I do not condone to practice. I also do not like when people tell me I should give money to an individual who is panhandling. As a social worker, I am a firm believer in providing financial resources to programs that will end homelessness and provide food, shelter, medical and mental health care to individuals who need it. There. That about sums it up.) Now back to the story...I politely wave for the man to jump back on the sidewalk. He refuses and stands his ground. I am shocked and wave more vigorously. He emphatically shakes his head and points to the "One Way" sign. It is at this point I realize what has happened. This man saw I was going to turn head on into on coming traffic from a one way street and jumped in front of my minivan to prevent an accident. I was shaken and profoundly grateful. I mouthed "Thank you!!!" repeatedly, merged into the correct lane, and circled back to give the man money. As I handed him the money and thanked him again he told me he feels it is his job to protect that corner since it is not well labeled and he frequently stops accidents by jumping in front of cars. As far as I'm concerned that man is doing a valuable job and I gladly paid him for his work.

And about the Arts Festival...I loved it! The vendors were unique and I am still thinking about some jewelry and art that were incredibly cool. Cookie tin jewelry or intricately embroidered portraits, anyone? I can tell we are going to have to return in the future to watch some of the performances because J was glued to the ballet dancers as they rehearsed. Such a fun atmosphere. Later we cooled off in the Salt Lake City Library where we forced the children to sit still for pictures.

With M's artistic spirit I would not be surprised if we see her work on display someday. This was a sampling of things to come I am sure.


And we ended the day with a parade. How awesome is that?

Thanks for the outing, Mom!
