D's three

My baby is three and I cannot believe it. D is a man on a mission. He loves new adventures and embraces danger. He is a sassy little thing who loves to antagonize his older siblings. He has a gut laugh that never ends and melts our strongest resolve. He laughs hard and he plays hard. He keeps up with M and J and watching the three of them makes my heart sing. He is my sunshine. His eyes light up a room and having him throw his arms around me or blow me a kiss makes my day. Happy birthday, Sweet Guy!

In related news, we have moved into a phase I have not seen in 7.5 years - no crib and no daytime diapers. D is on top of the world. (I'm in shock. This stage of life has gone too fast.)

Joyfully taking the crib apart.

D's big boy bed. 
No bunk bed for us. That would practically be an invitation for stitches or a broken limb.

Grammy made special cupcakes for this three year old which he gobbled up and washed down with root beer floats. Thanks for making such delicious birthday treats!
