Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014 was unusual. After an appointment in the morning, I worked on Christmas Eve (that part was not unusual) and after I got home we headed to the in laws for the traditional clam chowder and bread sticks. Unfortunately, while I was at work J had a reaction to an unknown something and his lungs began fighting for air and the wheezing started. We hoped he would perk up at Grammy and Grampy's house. We nebulized him at the in laws, and he perked up for a moment, but then he sat on my lap and hardly moved. That is not the active little boy I know. It became increasingly tragic the longer we were there. We called it a night and rushed him home to bed.

Once we got home Mommy and Daddy realized there were no cookies for Santa. Goodness sake! We were striking out. Thankfully we have a candy bowl and we convinced M that Santa needed a break from all the cookies he gets. She agreed and chose some perfectly lovely M & Ms.

After the kids were tucked snugly in their beds we got to work setting up the gift of the year. This is also a good time to thank my Sister who purchased all our stocking stuffers while I was at work and Steve stayed home with the kids. Thanks for your help!

I didn't wake up when the kids woke, but Steve heard M go downstairs and he peeked out to see her reaction. She stared at the bikes and checked the stockings then she bolted up the stairs and into J's room. They went down and admired the bikes and stockings and chattered happily about Santa. When M finally came to get us the first thing she said to me was, " I wanted a doll and Santa brought me a bike. Why didn't Santa bring me what I wanted"? Ahhhh...Sweet Child, please remember gratitude. So I smiled and asked if that was being grateful for the gift and asked if she would have more fun with a doll or bike since she has many dolls to play with and no bike. After some time she agreed Santa had made a thoughtful delivery.

Now I have failed to mention this, but Steve woke with pink eye on Christmas Eve and was a sight to behold. He became progressively worse throughout Christmas day when he came down with a cold. J caught a cold as well and spent the day keeping his lungs gunk free. We stayed home sick. Now this sounds like a horrible Christmas, but you know what? It was one of our best. We got up, stayed in our jammies, looked at and played with the bikes, ate candy from the stockings, read stories, had a visit from Grammy and Grampy, did art projects, watched movies and enjoyed being together. I loved the low key intimate day without the hustle and bustle and it reminded me of Christmases I had as a child. I'm glad we got that this year. Merry Christmas!

Like Father...

...Like Son.
