She's seven

M is seven and that is nuts.

M had a great couple birthday days. We celebrated with Grammy and Grampy.

Grammy served two different treats - birthday cake and wheat free pretzels with hummus. Do not feel bad for J. M ate most of his snack and asked more.

M requested a princess tent and that hunt took my in-laws all over the map. They believed it was worth it when they saw her giddy grin.

Daddy and Mommy took M to the movie for which she has been waiting one entire year...

*drum roll please*...

How To Train Your Dragon 2

She loved it and declared it was worth the year wait.

M wanted to eat at Eleanor's and wouldn't you know they had How to Train Your Dragon cupcakes. Best. Birthday. Ever.

If life keeps moving at this speed I am in real trouble because that means this mom gig is going to be even shorter than I thought and certainly shorter than I am ready for. My baby is seven. Totally nuts. Love you. Little Girl!
