Pathetic Easter

Since releasing the Easter Bunny from his duties, Easter celebrations have become increasingly minimal. Add J's egg sensitivity to it and we are down right lame. We did not color eggs because that seemed completely wasteful and when I shopped for Easter baskets items the night before, I walked up and down the aisles of the store uninspired by everything I saw. Why buy things they already have? In the end, I settled on Capri Suns, candy fans, and bubbles which were ceremoniously laid on the table since I did not dig the baskets out of storage.

My children were thrilled. You are just going to have to take my word for it since there is only one pic of M smiling and no pics of the boys smiling. They were too busy blowing bubbles to fool with smiles.

The family pic that took five attempts to get.

The silver lining of setting the holiday bar so low is that we can only go up from here.
