Head first

Daddy had just come home. J was thrilled and ran to hug him. J tripped over Daddy's foot and slammed head first into the sliding glass door jamb. It was a bad hit. I dropped the dishes I was doing and ran over to make sure he wasn't bleeding and was coherent. J was hurting so badly he was silent crying and gasping for air. Once he caught his breath the screams began in earnest. After making sure he wasn't bleeding and his pupils were the same size and once the screams were less deafening, I glanced at the wall. Then I stared at the wall. He dented the metal door jamb. With his head. Goodness sake! Poor kid.

Steve felt sick and spent the night cuddling with J. J loved having Daddy all to himself though I'm sure he would have preferred snuggling without the headache.


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