Shark tooth

Several weeks ago I was in a work meeting and glanced down just as M bit J on the bum. Hard. Que up the screams of pain and righteous indignation. Halt the meeting. This is behavior I have come to expect from the boys, but it surprised me from M. After sentencing her to the chair next to mine I tried to quell the shuddering sobs from J and pretend this was normal in a professional setting. After a long while I noticed M was crying. I told her to stop crying because she did not have any reason to do so when she opened her mouth and showed me blood. Yep. She had bit J's fanny so hard that she knocked her tooth loose. I said what any non-imaginative parent says in this circumstance, "That is why you don't bite your brother's bum!" Words I never thought I would ever say. Ever. For the record, the reason she bit him was because they were playing shark and she was the shark. Oh. Well that makes more sense.

I tell you all that to say this, today the tooth came out with a lot of encouragement.

Dad helped wiggle the tooth when M got tired.
D stayed in the action.

J kept his distance.


The tooth fairy brought her a shiny quarter and she jumped up and down with pure joy.
