M is one reserved gal in public and so she has never been asked to give a talk in Primary at church because everyone has understood I would be giving the talk with her standing silently at my side. Well the streak of silence has ended. She was asked to talk about how Heavenly Father hears and answers her prayers. She and I sat down and she told me her thoughts. I wrote them down and organized them. She wanted me to "help" her give the talk by telling her the words to which I replied, "Heck no! But I'll stand beside you." She was skeptical of this offer, but finally agreed to try. We practiced a lot. The day arrived and she walked up after making sure I was coming. We stood there and her little voice belted out over the microphone strong and clear for the whole group to hear. The room was quiet because they had never heard her talk so much. Afterwards several people congratulated her and I couldn't help but add that she had written the talk herself. Awesome job, Baby Girl! I'm so stinkin' proud of you!
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