
The culmination of the summer was a trip to Vegas to participate in my nephew's baby blessing.

We also got to try a new restaurant. Hot N Juicy Crawfish. A tasty place where you eat with your hands. Of note: the crawfish (which I grew up calling crawdads) looked and felt suspiciously like cockroaches. Mind over matter. Delicious place if you are a seafood fan.

M tried several new nail polish shades while D looked jealously on.

J and M shared a bed and we learned once J is in a big boy bed we will be chasing him and begging him to stay put and go to sleep.

My brother gave my nephew a beautiful blessing.

Swimming was the highlight for the kiddos.

Woo woo! That is one good lookin' Momma!

The boys entered the sleep deprivation stage. Not pretty.

My brother introduced M to a new show - Scooby Doo.

J quietly played Endless ABC's on the ipod while Daddy's back was turned.

And we tried Turkish Delight which has the consistency of the inside of a jelly bean.

All in all a very packed two days.
