Legos at the zoo

My friend invited us to accompany her family to the zoo in 104 degree heat and you better believe we were excited to go.

We went through the monkey house.

The display is made entirely of Legos.
Not M's face, but the rest of it.

The boys were glued to the orangutans and I could not get them to turn around for the life of me.

We saw the elephant paint. Which was dang cool.

The boys were bored with the art lesson so D head-butted J.

We rode the carousel.

M loved it and rode twice.

J hated it and rode once.

And then we called it good. It was wonderfully toasty and everyone was melting.

We meandered to the entrance of the zoo where there was a tent where the kids created things with giant Legos for an hour.

J split his time between the Legos and the water feature.

We had a great time. Thank you for inviting us!
