
I love Halloween and this year was a blast. First of all the temp was 75 during the day and we only needed a light jacket walking around once the sun went down. M had a Halloween parade at school and I got to watch her walk the halls and classrooms. She was so excited. When it was time to trick or treat we stayed out for two hours and when we came home M wanted to go again. So M, my sister, and I took off for more candy adventures. How I have been waiting for that day! And to top off a great candy night, a ringed moon rose eerily above the mountains. How deliciously spooky.

I am not a makeup artist so M's face looked nothing like the dainty butterfly she hoped to be.

I practiced some more before we went out on the town. While still not perfect, it was much better.

Pooh Bear was so enthralled by everyone around him he could not spare a glimpse in my direction.

My Dalmatian puppy stole my heart. 

 My sister came over so she could see the kids all dressed up and go trick or treating with us.

Steve and I agreed this was our favorite part of the night.
