Christmas program

So M had a little Christmas program in the middle of the afternoon. All the grades were going to sing two songs. Not a big deal or so I thought. I dropped her off at school and then decided to hang around since the program was 45 minutes later. This was the smartest thing I have done in a long time. I meandered in about a half hour before it was to begin, signed in, and took a seat. I know I live in an involved community. I just didn't realize how involved. The program started about a half hour late because there were approximately 800 parents and family members that came to this silly thing in the middle of the afternoon. Parents actually took off work for this. I'm not even sure if I told Steve about it. (I know what I sound like. But seriously. It was two songs.) Anyway, here is one pic of my daughter singing those two songs.

And then one more pic because she is pretty fabulous.
