D was born with the same birth defect J was born with so we got to go through the same surgical process all over again. For the record it was easier the second time around.
Lucky for D we learned the value of pain medication and kept him on a schedule. He is doing great.
Mom and sister...thanks for rearranging your schedules to watch M and J. Love you!
Steve dressed D in a shirt that said "Tough Like Dad" to inspire him. D obviously didn't get the memo.
He eventually calmed down after I sung "Humongous whale, humongous whale, bobbing in the water" about 500 times. It is a song M's preschool teacher taught her.
When the anesthesiologists came to get him, D was so intent on all the new things to grab he didn't even notice we were leaving. Probably a good thing.
He took his time waking up from the anesthesia so the nurse asked me to come back and talk to him to see if he would respond. His back was turned to me, but as soon as I started talking he flipped his body toward me and it wasn't long before he tried to open his eyes. That made me feel like the most loved mom in the world.
Steve and D had a well deserved nap after we got home.
Lucky for D we learned the value of pain medication and kept him on a schedule. He is doing great.
Mom and sister...thanks for rearranging your schedules to watch M and J. Love you!
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