
I have worked Sundays for the last 4 years. It was a choice I made because it allowed me to work without having M in daycare since Steve could stay home with her. I chose to view it as the best of both worlds. A working woman and a mother. I love what I do and feel I make a significant contribution to the workforce, but it has come at a cost. For instance there was the day I got ready for church and M did not want me to go because she believed that was her special time with Daddy and I had no business joining them. Or there was the time I got ready for church, M was thrilled and as we were walking out the door I got called in and M cried and cried. I have missed having a day set aside to focus on the Savior. I have also missed being a part of my kids Sunday rituals. When D was born I was given the opportunity to change my schedule. Once my maternity leave is over I will be working only Saturdays. What a blessing. Kudos to Steve. He has done an AMAZING job of getting M and then J to church every Sunday with or without me.

Here are some snapshots of my beautiful churchgoers still in their Sunday best.

So grateful to join you guys!
