Sibling rivalry began the day J came home and it intensified when D joined us. The main goal is who can get to, command, and maintain the attention of Mommy or Daddy first. But lest you think the line is drawn with Mommy and Daddy, the children also fight over toys, food, favorite blankies, and everything else. M and J also make a special effort to antagonize one another. I don't know why, but I remember doing the exact same thing with my siblings so I'm not stressing over any psychological damage or anything. It just gets old.
But do not despair! I see some very sweet moments throughout the day. M constantly concerned about any food item that goes in J's mouth (It must be wheat free.), J showering M with hugs and kisses and slobber, and M and J on both sides of D touching his face with their unsanitized little fingers and cooing and kissing their baby brother.
These are the moments.

But do not despair! I see some very sweet moments throughout the day. M constantly concerned about any food item that goes in J's mouth (It must be wheat free.), J showering M with hugs and kisses and slobber, and M and J on both sides of D touching his face with their unsanitized little fingers and cooing and kissing their baby brother.
These are the moments.
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