One last Christmas to start the New Year

Steve's parents were out of town for Christmas and so we celebrated with them when they got back.

The customary pic in front of the tree.
(Prediction: My boy will tower over me in five years.)

M and J's cousin Charlotte got a present. We loved watching her snuffle through her giftbag.

That lucky pup got a tennis ball and J had the pleasure of playing fetch.

M got a tea set from her aunt and she was in heaven. M loves dainty things. She is such a girl.

I will now share a story from Steve's family. Prepare yourself.

When we were engaged and accepting furniture cast offs (we still totally accept furniture cast offs) we were offered "the death chair". I innocently asked why it was called that and was told that Steve's great grandmother DIED in the chair. Shut up! Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, she DIED in the chair.Truthfully, I was a little wierded out by that, but a chair is a chair and so it joined us. I did not love it until one day I saw a chair with a similar shape and caught the vision of what the chair could be. My in-laws were thrilled that I had renewed love for "the death chair" and offered to recover it. That was their Christmas gift to me. It turned out perfectly and I LOVE IT!!!!!



Everyday I wake up is like Christmas because I am Mom to two incredible children. M and J are my best gifts.
