M had her first field trip and I was so excited to go. She was going to a pumpkin patch to celebrate fall. I love pumpkins and I LOVE my M so this was a perfect match until I realized it was the day after my wisdom teeth removal. I have successfully put off wisdom teeth removal for 15 years. And then one tooth came through my gum. Within 30 seconds (literally) I had an appointment. I have been blessed with amazing health. I have never had an IV, I have never had any type of anesthesia, I have never taken anything stronger than ibuprofen, I had one cavity in a baby tooth when I was 10, I have never given birth. I will spare you details, but let's just say I was an absolute wreck. My Mom had to take me to the appointment (So glad you were there!) and Steve took two days off work to take care of me and the kids. (You were wonderful, Babe!) You know those funny wisdom teeth videos where kids are waking up and saying dopey things? Well, it is not funny when you are an adult.
So Steve got to go on M's first field trip.
So Steve got to go on M's first field trip.
M's class.
J got to go too.
The corn maze.
The tunnel.
M got to bring a pumpkin home. She carries it with her all day long and she brings it to her room at night.
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