This Is The Place Park held a free day and I would like to thank Mr. Huntsman for our free admission and ice cream. I really appreciated how the free day took place in June instead of in the winter when other places offer their free days. Another great thing was that it was M's birthday and I told her it was her big (free) birthday surprise. I really talked up the petting zoo and ice cream and she was ready to hit the ground running when we arrived.
Unfortunately, my daughter was unimpressed by the animals and so was J. Funny thing happened to J...he screamed the entire time and when we entered the pen he was wailing loudly. A goat meandered toward him, assessed the situation, and kissed him! Sick! I realized the goat had ulterior motives when it moved on to J's diaper bag and found his bottle. Double sick! When I gently pushed Mr. Friendly away it curled up by J's stroller while M (my not so brave child) made sure she was a safe distance from the action.
Side note: Later when I was trying to comfort him I kissed his head and he reeked of goat slobber. Not a good smell.
Other moments from the day...M loved the geese that waddled down the street.
I love the little girl that ran down the wooden walkways.
I have never seen a wooly cow and thought it was picture worthy.
And the train was something they both could agree on.
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