Everyday M asks, "What are we going to do today, Mom?" I am learning to dislike the question because I am held to whatever answer I pull out of the hat, but yesterday I was prepared. "We are going on a special adventure". And so we did. We traveled to Cache County with my Mom to celebrate my baby sister's twentieth b-day. We went to Willow Park Zoo. Love it! Small and inexpensive, with monkeys, porcupines, a bobcat, wolves, turtles, a wallaby, and more birds than you can shake a stick at.

J would not sit still in the stroller. He zipped one way then the other. He didn't want to miss a thing.

Then on to the Pepperidge Farm thrift store for treats. We experienced a fabulous, fresh taste sensation at the Creperie. Holy goodness. Can we get one of those closer to home? And finally an afternoon rendezvous at the Logan Temple where we enjoyed the peacefulness of the grounds, the fountain, and perfect temperatures. Oh summer we are thrilled you are here!

Hope you had a great birthday, Sis!
J would not sit still in the stroller. He zipped one way then the other. He didn't want to miss a thing.
This very active tortoise hustled around his cage. He would have put hares to shame.
An albino porcupine.
Feeding the birds and fish with Grandma.
The bobcat.
Then on to the Pepperidge Farm thrift store for treats. We experienced a fabulous, fresh taste sensation at the Creperie. Holy goodness. Can we get one of those closer to home? And finally an afternoon rendezvous at the Logan Temple where we enjoyed the peacefulness of the grounds, the fountain, and perfect temperatures. Oh summer we are thrilled you are here!
Following in his sister's footsteps with Mom's help.
Hope you had a great birthday, Sis!
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