It was a crazy Monday morning. I was baking bread, talking on the phone, and listening to J scream unhappily in the excersaucer when M begins to frantically pat my leg and ask "Can I have applesauce?" I try to ignore her and when that doesn't work I tell her to wait and when that doesn't work I say, "Yes!" Out of the corner of my eye I see her open the fridge and then I go back to talking and baking. After I hung up I glance over at my kiddos (who are about five feet away from me) to see what they are doing. This is what I see...
Apparently, M had not asked for applesauce. She wanted to know if she could feed J apricots. Ohhhhh...well that is a huge difference and I certainly would have said no, but the damage was already done so I grabbed the camera to share this stellar Mommy moment with you.
Oh sweet girl. Thanks for helping Mommy.
Apparently, M had not asked for applesauce. She wanted to know if she could feed J apricots. Ohhhhh...well that is a huge difference and I certainly would have said no, but the damage was already done so I grabbed the camera to share this stellar Mommy moment with you.
Notice his face.
Washing the apricots down.
Oh sweet girl. Thanks for helping Mommy.
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