M's comprehension

We find ourselves laughing at the things M says as her vocabulary and experience expand.

After walking in on her jumping around by herself, I asked, "What are you doing?" M joyfully yelled, "Just being silly!"

My sister was in the kitchen and M told her, "Honey, I'm making you a special soup, okay?" (Soup is one of M's favorite things to eat.) After a bit she announced, "Honey, it's ready!"

I have no idea what she was eating, but she wanted to know, "Hey Mom, you want a bite? It's gross."

I was making meatballs and was adding parsley. M asked, "Mom, can I smell it? (big whiff) It smell like catnip."

I was on the computer blogging and she instructed, "Turn right, then left, then email."

Another time I was on the computer and she asked, "Mom, can you ask me for a question? Can you do email? Okay, good."

She was pretending to take a picture. She held up her hands to her eyes, made a clicking noise and said, "I crack me up."

M calls restaurants "the dinner store".

I was talking to one of my friends on the phone and she and her kids were dissecting owl poop. (I know. I told her it was disgusting also.) I was obviously grossed out by their afternoon project and M heard the whole conversation. After I hung up this was my interaction with my girl.
M: Who was that?
Me: Mommy's friend.
M: What are they doing?
Me: Playing with poop.
M: (long silent blank stare) What? What are they doing?
Me: Playing with poop.
M: (another long silent blank stare) What? (finally a huge smile) I don't.

We were in the car and the moon was rising over the mountains and M asked, "Is that the moon or the world?"

She should have been taking a nap, but was playing instead. After she got bored she called out, "Mom, where are you? Mommy Daddy's room? Come out, come out wherever you are!"

Steve and I say the word crap. We are going to have to change our filthy language. J was in his bouncer and spit up. I was alerted when M yelled as she searched for a burp cloth, "J spit up. Oh my heck! Holy crap!"

Minutes later her coat fell off the doorknob and she said, "Mom, my coat fall off the door. Oh crap." as she bent to pick it up.

Several months ago Steve took M for her flu shot. She was the bravest trooper around. A month later I took her for the booster and it was a nightmare. The dumb thing was she did not have to get a shot. She could sniff some spray up her nose and be pain free. I told M were we going to put water in her nose. She screamed and thrashed about. I had to restrain her which I have never had to do. After a ridiculously long time I finally said we were going to do the shot. She pulled out all the stops at that point and she proved how healthy her lungs were. The best part was when J joined in the cacophony. After about 15 minutes in the office with the little medical assistant hovering in the corner I cradled M and held her upside down and yelled at the medical assistant to "Put that stuff in her nose now!" All while rocking J's carrier with my foot. She ran over and 5 seconds later it was over. I tell you all that to tell you this...M gave the prayer over lunch when we got home that day and she said "Thank Thee for not getting a flu shot. She get it in my nose and I sniff."

Okay, last one...

When J was a month old we were in a craft store when a well meaning sales associate offered M a balloon. I was juggling merchandise and J and could not tie it on her wrist in the way she wanted or in the time frame she felt I should do it. It was at this moment M decided to throw her first ever temper tantrum. She has never thrown one at home and she most certainly had never thrown one in public. This particular show was a beaut complete with bloody murder screams, hitting, and throwing herself on the floor. I was totally caught off guard. I pulled her to the side and tried to reason with her, but that was futile. Eventually, I told her she needed to stop crying or we were going to give the balloon back. She got louder. I pulled her to the counter as she intertwined her fingers in the string. I smiled as I extricated them amidst her howls. The cashier stared at me in bewilderment. Finally free, I grabbed M in one arm, J in the other, and held the shopping bag with my little fingers as I raced to the car with M throwing herself from my grasp. All while M repeatedly screamed, "I WANT MY BALLOON!!!!!!" After several attempts I locked her in her car seat, got behind the wheel, and yelled at her. That's right, folks. I have a breaking point. I had just never gotten there because she is usually the picture of perfection. When we got home she had to sit on her bed until she apologized and then it was lunch. In her prayer at lunch she said, "Thank Thee for not getting a balloon and Mommy getting angry." Oh man. She tattled on me.


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