Mom, did we 'dopt a baby?

This has been the question M has asked since we brought J home. (Side note: There was a name change. He just didn't look like an E.) People have asked how M has adjusted. She has loved every minute of big sisterhood. She is a pro at throwing out dirty diapers and fetching burp cloths and pacifiers. J's birth mom wanted to see how they would interact in the hospital, but because he was in the nursery they would not let M in. So instead, his birth mom asked M specific questions like, "Will you sing him songs when he cries?" and "Will you let him play with your toys?" and "Will you help take care of him?" M said nothing at the time since she is the strong silent type. When we pulled into the garage the next afternoon with him my sister told her that her baby brother was home and she said, "WHAT!" The next thing she said was, "Baby brother sleep in the crib and M sleep in my big girl bed." She wanted to make very sure he was not going to crimp her style. The next thing she said touched me. She repeated every question that J's birth mom had asked her. "Mom, can I sing baby brother songs when he cries?" and "Mom, can baby brother share my toys?" and Mom, can I take care of him?" The other night when we were getting ready for bed M leaned over, kissed his head, and quietly said, "Love you baby brother." M is taking great care of J and my heart is full.

M loves to hold J.

She tucks him in with his Utah bear.

Pats his head when he cries.

Wipes his spit up.

and hugs him.


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