I will never be one of those moms who are baking cookies as their kids walk in from school. You want to know why? I can't bake cookies. I ruin them every time. I don't know what I am doing wrong and truthfully, I don't care. Oreos and Chips Ahoy! are just fine for this house. However, the other day I must have lost my mind because I decided to try making sugar cookies from a mix with M. The only ingredients were butter and water so I thought it was foolproof. Apparently not. I doubled the butter and had to run back to the store for another mix to add to the batch. On the back of the package there were instructions for rolled cookies. M and I tried using our Christmas cookie cutters and it was a runny, gooey mess. We persevered and even made homemade orange icing, but what a nasty mess. I have tons of strengths, but making cookies is not one of them.

J slept through the chaos.
The finished product.
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