Not so easy to apply

The wall art is now on M's wall and her joy knows no bounds. I asked my sister to help and thought we could whip this project together in a half hour tops. Wrong! Two hours later we applied the final sticker. It's a good thing she helped me. The package said "easy to apply". This statement has the potential to mislead buyers because I promise you it was not a 1 person job. It took both of us to apply the large flowers since the product is like contact paper and curls in and sticks to itself. And then comes the challenge of getting everything straight. Good times, folks.

When M saw the completed project she jumped up and down and wanted to know if we had painted the wall. (Apparently, Steve told her it was paint for fear that if he told her they were stickers she would become a master at rearranging them.) We could barely get her attention to take pictures because she was enthralled. Thanks Grammy for the wall stickers, I mean paint!
