Happy Birthday celebrations continue

First of all, this last week and a half has been trying. Some weeks are like that. Today I am doing dishes when I hear the ice cream truck. We have told M that it is a music truck so she doesn't burst into tears every time we don't buy her a frozen confection. So anyway, doing dishes and the truck starts into a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday". Are you kidding me? Every kid with a birthday in 2010 ran to the door thinking the truck was playing their song. This included M. Ingenious on their part. I mean, how many parents are really going to say no on a birthday. Thankfully, M just sang along, but I can see in a few years I may have a more difficult time convincing her the truck is simply for our listening pleasure.

And here is another dumb thing that just happened. I was trying to warm up leftover chicken in the microwave and it had only been in there 30 seconds when there was an explosion. So instead of eating wonderful chicken I am throwing chicken bits in the garbage.

Because we have all been very sick this last week we had to postpone M's birthday celebration and last night we finally felt well enough to get together with Steve's family. We combined a Happy Father's Day thing as well. Kind of a twofer. M received some really thoughtful gifts from her aunts and uncles and Grammy made an afghan for her big girl bed.

In honor of Father's Day we got Steve's dad a dental repair kit. This may not sound very romantic, but it was very thoughtful. And by his smile you can see he appreciated it.

M asked to hold her cousin which was endearing. Although I do not think he was big on the idea...

She loves the I Spy books and she and her cousin and Grammy had a great time reading it together.

And as a final thought, M loves chapstick. She knows where we keep it and because she likes to eat it (yuck), we have trained her to bring it to us the minute she sees it. So today she got it and came right to me and said in an enthusiastically, bright voice, "Mommy, I brought special chapstick...for you!" I'm telling you, she's a ray of sunshine.


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