I thank my Heavenly Father all day every day for M and her birth mom. That little girl keeps us on our toes and laughing. As her comprehension and vocabulary expand we have great conversations. She is quick as a whip and we are in awe of her. Here are a few of the latest things that have come out of her mouth.
Translation for Dammy and Moddy = this is a combination of Daddy and Mommy. She uses this when Steve and I are both in the room and rather than address us as individuals she uses either "Dammy" or "Moddy" to let us know she is speaking to us collectively.
We were driving through Logan canyon,
M: Momma, look at the mountains.
Me: Oh, the mountains are incredible!
M: No. Not incredible. 'Mazing.
She was eating lunch and wanted more of something.
Me: Finish what you have and I'll give you some more.
M: You are funny, funny, funny. (Said while shaking her head and laughing.)
I chased her down, threw my arms around her, and showered her with kisses.
Me: Are you my honey bunches?
M: No. I not funny bunches.
She was saying a mealtime prayer.
...Thank thee go to Costco with Daddy...
(Steve was thrilled to hear this since Costco is a favorite of his. I was thrilled because this is something they can share together as I am not a Costco lover.)
I was feeding her spoonfuls of Nutella for breakfast and when it was loosing its awesomeness I threw in an adjective to spice things up.
Me: This is creamy Nutella. Do you want some creamy Nutella?
M: What kind Nutella is that? Creepy Nutella?
We were together and she was quiet for a long time and then she started talking.
M: Daddy go on a mission?
Me: Daddy went on a mission.
M: M go on mission.
(More silence)
M: Nephi get Book of Mormon. Nephi go on mission. You wan go on mission wif me?
Me: Yes, I want to go on a mission with you. Were Laman and Lemuel good guys or bad guys?
M: Bad.
Me: Is Jesus good or bad?
M: Jesus is happy in the temple. I go to temple.
Me: Where does Jesus live?
M: In the temple.
She is incredible or as she would say - 'mazing.

So sweet.