A round of applause please

Yesterday I should have won some kind of award. I did M's hair which in and of itself is a feat. I am more the throw-your-hair-in-a-haphazard-ponytail kind of a gal rather than the know-every-hair do-in-the-book stylist. I think this has caused many a woman to frown upon me when they have seen M's glorious hair in a pathetic ponytail where the obvious goal is to get it out of her eyes. But in an attempt to make my daughter's hair turn heads, I plopped her down in front of a movie and performed the art of fish scaling. Halfway through I admit I got kind of bored, but I stuck with it. I must say I think it turned out lovely.

And for dinner I made homemade tortillas. Now seriously. Who is not impressed?


  1. You're the regular homemaker, young lady! Fancy hairdos and homemade tortillos definitely deserve an applause. Trust me, I'm certainly in awe.

  2. I see that darling M every week at church and she always looks classic and beautiful. You don't have to be fancy to be pretty. But, she does look cute with fish scales.

  3. I agree, she always looks beautiful. I love her long dark curly hair. The tortillas look pretty good too :)


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