You want me to what?

We have not discussed Easter in any shape or form with M because I might have forgotten it was on Sunday. Last night some friends in our neighborhood organized an Easter egg hunt. We were supposed to go from house to house, but the huge snowstorm put the kibosh on that. Instead we ended up at the church. I dug through our Easter box 10 minutes before we were supposed to be there to find a basket for M to carry around. We arrived to a gym full of candy and children, shoved the basket in M's hand and told her to start picking up stuff as fast as she could. She was super confused and I don't blame her. A little warning would have gone a long way. Still, she embraced the candy filled gym with enthusiasm. Steve had just had 2 cavities filled and felt pretty miserable, but he came anyway. What a trooper! There was pizza afterward, but he couldn't eat because he couldn't feel his tongue, cheek, or lip and was not confident in his ability to avoid them. After all was said and done, kudos to our neighbors for putting the shindig together. Note to self: at some point we should let M know there is more to Easter than candy and pizza.
