M loves General Conference. Look how excited those eyes are. She can now pick out President Monson in a crowd.
Between sessions of General Conference BYU Ballroom Dancers advertise their dance recital. I have wanted to go for years and this year my mom asked me on a date to see them. I love dates! I don't so much love BYU, but the recital was fabulous. It was two hours and action packed. The time breezed by. They did numbers from Hairspray and Pirates of the Caribbean (very powerful). There was a stunning arrangement of High on a Mountain Top. Everything was danced with beauty and grace. They looked like they were floating most of the time. And I was with my mom which was awesome. What a lovely night. Thanks for asking me out, Mom! We should go out again sometime. ;)
M's vocab continues to blossom. We go between being amazed and laughing hysterically at what she says.
We occasionally buy flavored milk at the Gossner Cheese Factory in Logan. Her favorite is strawberry, she does not care for chocolate (I have taught her well.), and she also likes rootbeer (Mommy's personal favorite). She calls it movie milk. To her little ears, movie and rootbeer must sound similar.
She has asked to watch Frosty the Snowman lately and even though it is out of season, I let her. The other day she ran past me and into the bathroom. Right before she slammed the door she yelled, "I'll be back on Christmas Day. That was Frosty."
I made a gourmet lunch of canned chili. (She is huge fan of soup.) She wanted me to hold her so she could watch it boil. As soon as I put her on my hip she said, " That looks balicious". (Delicious) I open cans of chili with the best of them.
We have been potty training. Not always fun for mother or daughter. I say the same thing all day long and here it is from the mouth of my child. I was in the bathroom and M came running in. With her head to one side she said, "Do you have to pee" I said no. "Tell M when you have to pee, 'kay?"
After we celebrated Easter with our neighbors we let M eat all the candy she could shove in her mouth and then sent her to bed. Yeah for holidays! The next morning, she ran to the spot where she had left her Easter basket the night before. Of course, it had magically disappeared. She retraced her steps, but alas, it was no where to be found. Finally, she came to me and said, "Ummm, excuse me Mom. Where is the basket?" She was the picture of innocence and so was I. Let's see, where did that basket go...
She likes a DVD we have called Howdy Town and there is a song that talks about being different. I changed her diaper and she said, "I have elephant diaper and Ella has Mickey Mouse diaper. Just because they're not the same." Had no idea she was ready for same vs different.
I worked this weekend and after I got home yesterday I asked M, "Do you know why Mommy works?" M answered, "Mommy works for exkerskies." (Exercise) I was going to say to get a baby brother or baby sister, but "exkerskies" works too.
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