"Dinosaurs are scary"

Would this not scare the holy Moses out of you?

How about this?

My sisters are home for spring break and my mom took off work so we could play at the Dinosaur Museum. My brother was able to come too. M was sooooo excited to see the dinosaurs until we actually started seeing a few. Then the excitement wore off to an acute panic. I love the museum because it has so much to see and do. Well worth the money! Speaking of money...thanks for treating Mom!

M loved building erosion prone dams and excavating dinosaur bones with her uncle.

There is one tunnel you can crawl into and my siblings and I jumped in without hesitation. Not so with my daughter. She felt safer in Grandma's arms. Maybe she was concerned about the odd looking human dinosaurs I found in there.

M and I tried to see if our mouths were as large as a prehistoric fish. They are not.

And 2 plush dinos went head to head. What's not to love about the museum?

On Sunday we had pasole. When M was born, her birth mother invited us to dinner. I do not like Mexican food so I was very concerned about not being able to eat a large portion of whatever she made. Oh my goodness! I should not have been worried because her posole was amazing. I asked for the recipe on the spot and we have it every few months. It is one of our favorite meals and it has a lovely story to accompany it.


  1. I am glad you included a picture of M. . . before I scrolled down, I thought, "Where is she? Steve's not there. . . must be taking the picture. M is not there. . . but the grandma who would be babysitting is. Did they forget her?!"


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