One of our good friends threw a Christmas party and invited us and 5 other couples. My friend's husband is the one who plans the whole thing. Seriously, the guy puts me to shame. He hosts a pretty impressive shindig. There were points we could gain for a big prize at the end of the evening and let's just say Steve and I failed miserably. No really. There were points for when we called to RSVP (we were the last to call), points for arriving at precisely 6:48 pm (we were the last to arrive), and points for a game we played (again, we came in last with 2 and 2/3 points). Now, while it is true we did not come close to winning the grand prize, our white elephant gift was THE hit of the evening. I am never quite sure what to get when it comes to white elephant gifts because there is a fine line between tacky and funny. So I am perusing the aisles of our local Deseret Industries when I spot a 12 inch wooden fish painted to look like Santa. Fish do not have arms and legs in the wild, but this fish had them. Maybe the artist didn't know about fish having fins. Anyway, I bought it. Fast forward a couple of hours to the unveiling of the Santa fish. One of our friends open it and people are laughing at the novelty of an aquatic Santa when one of the other couples reveals that it is the same Santa fish they dropped off at the DI a few days earlier. No one could believe it. The people who dropped it off and the people who bought it are at the same party. Everyone started laughing. I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard. White elephant success!!
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