Mmmm...Candlelight Christmas at This is the Place Park was magical. We went with Steve's parents and had a wonderful time walking through the town with Christmas music playing and fires burning. We saw a puppet show, listened to stories by the fireplace, walked through an elf village, watched candle making, and toured historic cabins. There were 2 highlights of the evening. #1...there was dancing in the social hall with a live fiddlin' band. Steve and I danced the Virginia Reel. There was so much movement, music, and laughter in the room. M was so caught up that she made her way to the middle of the room and danced all by herself while dancers tried to avoid crashing into her. Finally, Grampy saved the day by dancing her safely to the side of the room. #2...there was a live nativity in the barn complete with a Roman soldier, shepherds, wisemen, sheep and cattle. Mary and Joseph sat watching baby Jesus. Beautiful music filled the air. What an amazing gift. A child. Born to be the Savior of the world. Given by a Heavenly Father who loved all His children. My heart swelled as a parallel was brought to my mind. M came to our family through the sacrifice of her birthmother. No other gift given to us has had more power or significance in our lives or M's life. We will be forever grateful to her for placing with us. Her name is honored in our home. We pray for her and her well being. As we are hoping to add to our family through adoption we pray daily for our second birthmother wherever you are. We hope this Christmas season is a joyful and hopeful one for you.
Mmmm...Candlelight Christmas at This is the Place Park was magical. We went with Steve's parents and had a wonderful time walking through the town with Christmas music playing and fires burning. We saw a puppet show, listened to stories by the fireplace, walked through an elf village, watched candle making, and toured historic cabins. There were 2 highlights of the evening. #1...there was dancing in the social hall with a live fiddlin' band. Steve and I danced the Virginia Reel. There was so much movement, music, and laughter in the room. M was so caught up that she made her way to the middle of the room and danced all by herself while dancers tried to avoid crashing into her. Finally, Grampy saved the day by dancing her safely to the side of the room. #2...there was a live nativity in the barn complete with a Roman soldier, shepherds, wisemen, sheep and cattle. Mary and Joseph sat watching baby Jesus. Beautiful music filled the air. What an amazing gift. A child. Born to be the Savior of the world. Given by a Heavenly Father who loved all His children. My heart swelled as a parallel was brought to my mind. M came to our family through the sacrifice of her birthmother. No other gift given to us has had more power or significance in our lives or M's life. We will be forever grateful to her for placing with us. Her name is honored in our home. We pray for her and her well being. As we are hoping to add to our family through adoption we pray daily for our second birthmother wherever you are. We hope this Christmas season is a joyful and hopeful one for you.
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