Allyson: I am not a huge TV fan, but I like to flip channels at the end of the day while I work on a project. I learned how to make spliced rag rugs a few years ago on a loom. I love creating new designs and testing out colors and patterns.
Steve: I love mowing the lawn and washing the cars. I know we have pictures of that somewhere, but I also like the cats. Mongo, the gray cat, was given to us when she was four years old and her owners were told they would have to choose between their apartment or her. She is now 9. We got Romi as a kitten and he is 5. They are cool! I take care of them and they follow me everywhere.
Together we watch Monk, Psych, Modern Family, and So You Think You Can Dance. SYTYCD is in its 6th season and we have watched 4 of them. We critique the performances and disagree with the judges when they are wrong. :) We like to do yard work. Steve takes care of the lawn and Allyson takes care of the flower beds and vegetable garden. We love random adventures and currently have a list of about 20 things we want to experience like watching turtle hatching in South Carolina and hiking the Wave in Coyote Buttes in Arizona. Our biggest joy and thrill in life comes from being M's parents. We LOVE watching her grow and try new things. Hearing her laugh and sing is music to our ears. It isn't all fun and games. There are the sleepless nights as we clean up vomit and then there are the tantrums in grocery stores, but we would not trade being her parents for the world! We thank Heavenly Father for her and her birth mom every day.
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